Creepypasta Fanon Wiki

The Evil Santa Game is a ritual that can summon an evil version of Santa Claus, SinnerClaus. This ritual works at any time of the year.

Things You Need:

An Audio playing device

A sack of coal

A broken Christmas ornament

A mirror


Put four nuggets of coal on each side of the mirror. Place the broken Christmas ornament in the middle. Next, play a creepy version of the song, “Silent Night“ using the audio device. Make sure to keep it playing until SinnerClaus is summoned. If the music stops abruptly, SinnerClaus will be summoned.


  1. SinnerClaus hates closets. Hide in a closet to stay safe.
  2. NEVER attempt to provoke SinnerClaus in any way.
  3. Don’t EVER stop the creepy version of “Silent Night.” This will make SinnerClaus mad, and he might give you a mysterious present.