A lot of us know about the film series Hotel Transylvania, and the prequel TV series as well. The TV series, however, has a dark episode that was never released to the public. I know Hotel Transylvania is supposed to be about monsters, but this was surprisingly dark. Let me explain everything that happened.
You see, my dad worked with Sony Pictures Animation. He would sometimes bring home DVDs of film clips so he could edit them for the final film or even test episodes. One day, when he got home, he placed a DVD on the kitchen counter and told me he was running out for a while. He never mentioned the DVD, mostly because it looked like he was in a hurry. I grabbed the DVD, put it in my portable DVD player, and sat down to watch it.
I was not prepared for what I saw.
It began with the Hotel Transylvania: The Series intro. It looked normal, just distorted. However, the shadow on the hotel was a tombstone with a dirt covering instead of a vampire. I also noticed the characters' facial expressions were different. Hank had a forlorned look on his face, Wendy's face was completely expressionless, and Mavis looked depressed, she was trying to smile, but the look in her eyes told everything. Pedro's face was normal, however. Also, the logo was crimson instead of green.
The episode began in the monster hospital, with Wayne, Wanda, and some of the werewolf kids sitting in what looked like some kind of waiting room. I remember seeing Wanda in the episode "Wendy Big and Tall", but this must be Wayne's first appearance in the series. All of them looked nervous. The episode name was titled "The Bad Prank" and it was written in a crayon font.
It then went to a flashback scene, and showed Mavis showing a small white bottle to Hank, Wendy, and Pedro.
"Hey guys, look what I found in the human village!" she said.
"What is that?" Pedro asked.
"It's some kind of magic potion" Mavis replied "I think we can use it for a prank"
"I'm not so sure about that, Mavis" said Wendy "What if it's deadly or something?"
"Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen?" said Mavis.
Mavis, Hank, Wendy, and Pedro then sneak into the kitchen while Quasimodo wasn't looking. They poured the contents of the bottle into a cauldron of soup and quickly ran off. Quasimodo then poured the soup into bowls, put them on a platter, and brought them out for the monster guests to eat. He served one bowl of soup to the werewolf kids. As he went on to serve others, however, he heard a sudden noise coming from behind him. He turned around to see what it was. It was Winnie, with foam coming out of her mouth. She was having a seizure and her brothers were trying to help her. The bowl was upside-down on the table, with green soup leaking all over the tablecloth.
"Oh no! Little Winnie!" Quasimodo yelled out "Help! Someone help! Please!"
The zombies and witches immediately rushed over to help. The last part of the flashback scene showed one of the zombies carrying Winnie out of the hotel. The scene then goes back to the waiting room. Dr. Gillman then arrives.
"Is Winnie alright, doctor?" Wanda asked.
"The soup had rat poison in it, she ate too much of it and her heart stopped beating, we tried everything we could but we couldn't get it to beat again, I'm sorry" he said.
Wayne then yells out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!". It was so loud, I felt like the DVD player would explode in my hands. The camera panned outside of the hospital while this happened. Then the scene went back to Hotel Transylvania. Aunt Lydia, Dracula, and Frank were comforting a depressed Wayne.
"It's okay, buddy" Frank said "You still have us"
Diane, Aunt Lydia's chicken assistant, then hopped onto Wayne's lap. It switched to Wayne's perspective and showed Diane on his lap. She slowly morphed into Winnie.
"Arf" the Winnie in Wayne's imagination said.
It switched out of Wayne's perspective. He was crying even harder now.
"Oh, Winnie! You were my best child!" he said "I wish you never got poisoned!"
Mavis, Hank, Wendy, and Pedro were listening from outside. They were all scared.
"What have we done?!" said Hank.
"I told you that stuff was dangerous!" said Wendy.
Mavis was especially guilty. Her face was paler that normal and her eyes were bloodshot. Her hair was also ratty and messy.
"I....I poisoned Winnie....." she said "I'm a monster.....I'm a monster....."
"Mavis, don't say that" said Pedro "We're all monsters you know"
Aunt Lydia then came out of the room.
"Your uncle will be alright, Mavis" she said "We'll give him some anti-depressant and he'll be just fine"
As she was about to leave, however, the rat poison bottle falls out of Mavis' sock (where it was hidden). Mavis saw it and tried to pick it up, but it was too late. Aunt Lydia had already seen it.
"What have you got there?" she asked.
"I-it's nothing!" said Mavis.
But Aunt Lydia grabbed the bottle using her magic. She inspected it, and then her eyes widened. She turned into her angry form and began yelling at Mavis.
"I-I didn't know!" Mavis said with tears in her eyes "It was just for a prank!"
Wow, that last quote seemed very dark.
"You know, I'm sick and tired of you treating me like this!" Mavis snapped "If you can't accept me, I will kill you!"
"Mavis, don't speak that language to me!" said Aunt Lydia.
Mavis the same angry face she did in Hotel Transylvania 2 and began mauling Aunt Lydia like a wild animal. Wendy and Pedro tried to pull her off, but she just kept pushing them out of the way. Hank then threw a rolling pin at Mavis, knocking her out with a realistic punch sound effect.
Aunt Lydia's hair was mangled, her dress was torn in multiple places, there were multiple scratches in her skin, and she had a black eye. She immediately began crawling away from Mavis in fright. The next scene showed Mavis sitting in a hotel room crying. Her skin was completely grey, her eyes were pinkish, and she was extremely skinny, like she hasn't eaten in days. Hank, Wendy, and Pedro then came in to comfort her.
"It's okay, Mavis" Pedro said "We know you didn't mean to"
"You know, maybe Aunt Lydia was right" said Hank "We should stay away from human things"
This is the point where Mavis completely lost her mind. Her eyes began to glow red, seemingly flowing with blood, and her teeth were sharp and crooked. All of the veins in her face were visible with blood coursing through them.
"How dare you speak to me like that!" she said in a demonic voice "You know what, if Uncle Wayne can't have a best child, neither can anyone else!"
She grabbed a torch from the hallway with her magic and then put it on Hank's head, causing him to catch on fire. He screamed and ran around the room yelling "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!". Wendy and Pedro screamed and tried to leave the room, but Mavis used her magic to close and lock it. Hank eventually went limp and collapsed to the floor. To make sure he was dead, Mavis stabbed him in the forehead with a butcher knife. Hyper-realistic gore squirted out like a fountain.
She then grabbed Wendy and roared in her face. Wendy screamed as her face gruesomely melted like an ice cream cone, similar to Indiana Jones. Pedro tried to open the door, but Mavis pulled him away by his wrappings. She began ripping him to shreds, throwing torn-up bandages and decayed flesh everywhere, all while Pedro let out a bloodcurdling shriek. Guts were pouring onto the bed and Mavis like a waterfall. Soon, all that was left of Pedro was shredded wrappings and a cap.
"Now there's only one left" Mavis said "And that one is me"
She then makes a shotgun appear with her magic. She put the barrel in her mouth and pulled the trigger. The blast rang out and Mavis' head disintegrated. A huge mess of bone, blood, flesh, and brains flew and splattered all over the room as Mavis flew back from the force of the gunshot. The camera zoomed into her headless body. Blood was oozing from what was left of her head onto her body and the floor.
That was the final shot of the episode, as the credits then rolled.
I didn’t know what to think. Was this supposed to be an actual episode? I had no idea what to say. I took the DVD out of the player and put it back where it was before. My dad never found out that I watched the DVD.