Before we start, I like to tell you about the show Pinky Dinky Doo if you are all living under a rock.
The show was about a 7-year-old girl named Pinky Dinky Doo who makes up stories to help her 4-year old little brother Tyler and blue pet guinea pig Mr. Guinea Pig in a huge city.
However, there's only one thing about the show will make me NEVER watch the show the same way anymore.
I was just running through the obstacle course, and I successfully went through everything that the obstacle course had to offer! While I was walking away from it, I tripped on something! "Ow!" I shouted after I fell on my stomach.
I got up to see what I tripped on, and it was a pink package. "Wow! A pink package, pink is Skye's favorite color!" I said in amazement.

The Pinky Dinky Doo DVD.
I opened up the package, and it was a Pinky Dinky Doo DVD.
"Huh? "I questioned. "Didn’t Pinky Dinky Doo get cancelled back in 2011?"
The spine on the DVD cover had a pink with the logo on horizontal, below them was Pinky, Tyler, And Mr Guinea Pig in a purple square with dark purple outline.
And the back of the DVD Cover had a background of the Storybox with the text in "Dom Casual" font reading out: Seven-year-old Pinky has a wild imagination, and loves to make up tall tales. She uses those stories to help her younger brother, Tyler, solve his problems, be it a missing shoe or anxiety over a new situation. Her antics encourage young viewers to make up their own stories and use their imaginations.
"Wait a second here... Pinky The Eraser?, Isn't Pinky usually a storyteller?" I asked, as I scratched my head in confusion.
Also the Cartoon Pizza, Abrams Gentlle Entertainment, Keyframe Digital Productions, Sesame Workshop, And Noggin logos we’re all here at the same time.
I jumped up and down in excitedly
I had a strange feeling like Sesame Workshop, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, CBeebies, CBC Kids Cartoon Pizza and Noggin must've teamed up to make this DVD
I opened up the DVD and looked at the disc on a high budget
The disc had the logo "Pinky Dinky Doo: The Great Big Complete Series of Made Up Stories!" on the top with the same background of Great Big City with Pinky, Tyler, Mr. Guinea Pig, Daffinee, Bobby and Nicholas on it, next to them was the "Nick Jr. DVD", "Nickelodeon", "Kids CBC", "CBeebies", "Noggin", "Cartoon Pizza", "Sesame Workshop", "Dolby Digital", "PAL", "NSTC", "Paramount", "Rated U", and "DVD Video" logos.
"The disc is on a high budget?" I asked myself. "Why would someone did that like this was my childhood”
I then shrugged it all of as I put it in the DVD player as I got ready to watch it.
The DVD started with the FBI warning, but it was off.
The wall was dark red, and the text was in the "Danger Night" font with blood stains on it.
Soon afterwards, it showed the Sony Wonder FBI Warning screen, but it was also different and there was two warnings for some reason.
The background was a mix of red and maroon, with blood stains like in the warning while the text was in the "Chiller" font.
Then it showed the Sony Wonder, Nick Jr. Frogs, Nickelodeon fish, Sesame Workshop, Cartoon Pizza, CBeebies, CBC Kids and Paramount DVD logos, but they were different and the Nick Jr. Frogs, Nickelodeon fish, Sesame Workshop, Cartoon Pizza, CBeebies, CBC Kids and Paramount DVD logos were in there for unknown reason.

The Sony Wonder Logo
The Sony Wonder logo came up, but the background was red, the "Sony" text was in "Chiller" font and the "Wonder" text was in "Creepsville" font, the ribbon had rips all over it and the sun was on fire.

The Nick Jr Frogs logo.
The Nick Jr. Frogs logo came up, but after the frogs croaked the Eraser from "Super Why!" appeared startling the frogs.
"Um…" Nick muttered, in the voice of Fripp from Higglytown Heroes. "Who are you?"
"I am the… ERASER!!!" The Eraser introduced himself.
"What are you doing here?" Jr. asked, in the voice of Kip. "And what do you want?"
"I am here to erase these words on your bellies." The Eraser explained.
"No! Wait!" Nick pleaded. "Stop! Don't do it! Please!"
"Too BAD!" The Eraser berated, as he started to erase Nick and Jr.
Nick and Jr screamed as they were being erased by the Eraser.
"The Eraser strikes again!" The Eraser screamed as he flew away laughing evilly.

The Nickelodeon Fish Logo
The Nickelodeon Fish logo came up, but the fish looked like he was almost erased.

The Sesame Workshop Logo
The Sesame Workshop logo came up, but when the roof was about to pop right off, blood splattered out of it along with screams of demonic laughter.

The Cartoon Pizza In The Opening
The Cartoon Pizza logo came up, but the pizza looked very worried and he was almost erased.

The CBeebies Ident Logo
The CBeebies logo came up, but the background was in dark shades of red, and when the blobs were about to form the logo, they started melting as they screamed in anguish.

The Kids’CBC Logo.
The CBC Kids logo came up, but the face had an evil look with the text being black and the background was dark red.
The Paramount DVD logo came up, but the sky was red and when the disc flew in, sounds of the Eraser's evil laughter was heard.
I was so scared of why would the logos looked like that.
"I guess that means they teamed up to make these." I thought.
I took a deep breath and pressed the "Previews" button and continued to watch it.
And then it showed the Sesame Workshop promo. But it was way… WAY off! The whole promo was tinted, the music was replaced by "Micheal's Revenge" by "Halloween Horror" and there were lots of changes made:
- Instead of John Jon telling Grover: "I want to count backwards." He told Grover. "You can run, but you cannot hide."
- Instead of the announcer explaining: "Children in 120 countries are counting on you.", he spoke this in a demonic tone: "Children in 120 countries are killed… and you will be next!"
- Elmo then showed up on a black background and thanked "Thank you!" in a demonic tone and then he laughed evilly.

The Logo At The End Of The Promo
And when it got where the Sesame Workshop logo was, the background was black, the house was broken, while the roof had cracks all over, the door fell down, blood spewed and exploded out of it and the thunderbolt and star were cracked and shattered and there was glitter all over the floor.
The announcer finished "Learn more at" as usual, but in a demonic tone and after saying it, he let out evil laughter.
And then it showed some DVD promos, it cut to main menu, it showed Tyler (who went back to his voice actor Felix Chrome) asking Pinky if she was going to make up a story like usual in the animation from Season 1 (which was replicated and used in Adobe Animate).
"Yesseroni Positooni!" Pinky cheered, in the voice of India Ennenga, but she was back in her high pitched voice.
Soon aftewards, she and Tyler sang the usual "We're Going to the Story Box" song.
"Yesarooni Positooni!" Pinky and Tyler sung. "We're going to the Story Box! Where Pinky's really good at making up stories and every story rocks! Storybox!"
As soon as Pinky, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig entered the storybox, they laughed after the song ended.
After the song, Pinky wrote a picture of a TV with her chalk just like in the "The Great Big Fancy Word Game".
Pinky and Tyler turned to the camera, as they noticed the viewers.
"Hey there, everybody!" Pinky greeted. "Guess what Tyler and I are about to do?
"We're gonna show you around the "Great Big Complete Series of Made Up Stories"!" Tyler explained.
"Yeah!" Pinky cheered. "You're really gonna love it here!"
"Do you think they can watch all of the episodes?" Tyler asked.
"Great idea, little brother!" Pinky accepted.
Mr. Guinea Pig then popped up in front of the screen as he started waving at the camera.
"Hiya, Mr. Guinea Pig!" Tyler greeted.
"Hiya, guys!" Mr. Guinea Pig greeted, in the original voice of Juan Van Michaelangelo.

The DVD Menu.
"Let us show you how everything works around here!" Pinky told the viewers, as she wrote some options.
The options that were written in chalk were: "Play All", "Episode Selection", "Special Features", "Your Story Box", "Set Up", "Visit Sesame Workshop" and "Previews".
Pinky then read each option as she pointed to them.
"Use your remote control to any option to see what it does!" Pinky instructed. "Let's begin our made-up story adventure!"
I then clicked the "Episode Selection" button and it showed a "Episode Selection" transition sequence.
The "Episode Selection" transition sequence featured a Game Time sound and the Cheese Sandwich Player popped up as it did a circle transition to a light blue background behind it and the Cheese Sandwich Player zoomed up to the front of the scene.
It then went to the “Episode Selection” menu to see the episodes in 2005 to 2010.
The "Episode Selection" menu featured the Cheese Sandiwich's player's screen with the options: "More" on the left and "Back to Main Menu" on the right.
The episodes that were in the "Episode Selection" menu were:
- Where Are My Shoes?
- The Outer Space Fluffy Buns
- Tyler’s Great Big Solo
- Polka Dot Pox
- Pinky And The Grumpy Alligator
- The Horn And Antler Club
- Tyler Dinky Doo And The Pirate Crew
- The Missing Dinosaurs
- The Pizza Artist
- Party Animals
- Tyler’s Tall O’Meter
- The Cloud People
- Tyler’s Big Boo
- The New Teacher
- Tyler To The Rescue
- Shrinky Pinky
- Tyler’s Too Cool Game
- Come Home, Little Guinea Pig
- Pinky And The Super Spaghetti Knot
- Back To School Is Cool
- The Sporting News
- Dragon Needs a Sippy Cup
- The Legend Of Twigfoot
- The Big Rainy Day
- Pinky’s Awful Good Day
- Tyler’s Neat-O Tuxedo
- Pinky’s Wintery Dintery Doo
- Pinky’s Great Big Concert
- The Great Big Cheese Chase
- Try It, You’ll Like It….Pretty Much
- Pinky Dinky Duplicate
- I Want That
- Boom! Sonic Boom!
- Pinky The Pet
- Guppy Training Day
- Pinky and The Babysitter
- Tyler's Lucky Sock
- Tyler's Best Sleepover Ever
- Pinky’s Big Talent
- Pinky Dinky Re-Doo
- Tyler’s Super Family
- The Ice Cream Babies
- The Big Bone
- Mr. Guinea Pig, Superstar
- The Pink Phenomenon
- Two Wheel Dreams
- Go To Bed, Tyler!
- The Loose Tooth
- Think Pink!
- Tyler’s First Flight
- The Castle Of Cards
- Daddy’s Special Shirt
- Pinky Thinky Doo
- Big Brain Block
- Toothing Trunk
- In The Dark
- Stinky Dinky Doo
- Kooky Cook-Off
- Speed Rocket
- The Great Biscotti
- The Trip Not Taken
- Always Ask First
- Burpzilla
- Happy Burp Day
- Tyler’s Story Box Disaster
- Balloony Feet
- Big Blob Of Talk
- Vicki Chicken
- The Thundering Thesaurus
- The Pinky’s Rock
- The Mystery Planet
- Octopus In Tap Shoes
- Pinky Dinky Rex
- Puppy Go Seek
- Pop the Corn
- Lord Of The Pies
- Great Big Nature
- Monkey Town
- Loch Mess Lobster
- Super Doo And Traffic Too
- The Two Daffiness
- Hot Hot Hot
- The Legend Of Big Blue
- Ponytail Power
- Pinky’s Perfect Present
- Pinky Squeaks
- Great Big Bean Festival
- Are You My Mummy?
- Tyler’s Silly Shirt
- Pinky’s Missing Page
- Tipsy Topsy
- Growing Up Scretchy
- Squeedorp Grand
- The Pinky-Riffic Hat
- Tyler And The 4 M’s
- A Promise Is a Promise
- Whats Bugging Tyler
- The Museum
- Teeny Weeny Waste
- Pinky And The Duck
- Great Big New Year
- Pinky’s Happy Doo Year
- Pinky’s Silliest Story
- Tyler’s Big Idea
- Pinky The Eraser
I was puzzled of why would the finale episode looked like that in an kids show.
And I never saw all the episodes on one disc before.
"Why would all episodes be on one disc?" I asked myself.
I was even more confused so I pressed the "Special Features" button to see what was in store.
The "Special Features" transition sequence featured the book called "Book of Great Big Fancy Words" as it zoomed up to the screen and opened up.
It then went to the "Special Features" menu and it was on a high budget.
The "Special Features" menu featured the inside of the "Book of Great Big Fancy Words", on the right page were the options:
- "The Eat it or Wear It Game?"
- "Register your DVD"
- "Games"
- "More Episodes"
I then pressed the "More Episodes" button and then I saw some lost episodes in there, those were:
- Team Umizoomi: Milli And Geo's Killing Spree
- Ni Hao Kai Lan: Hoho the Demonic Monkey
- Wonder Pets!: The Wonder Demon
- Blue's Clues: Blue's Clue Murdering Spree
- Blue’s Clues: The Vengeance Soap
- Blue's Room: Blue the Blood Beast
- Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy’s Nightmare
- Yo Gabba Gabba!: Blood and Mario
- Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends: The Spider Zombie Nightmare
- Dora The Explorer: Dora the Demon
- Go Diego Go!: The Evil Animal Rescuers
I was so stunned of why there were lost episodes like that.
”Why are there so many previews?!" I asked to myself.
I then clicked on the "Games" button to see what was in store.
To my surprise, the games were:
- "Where is Pinky?"
- "The Silliest Story Game!"
Then I went out of special features to look at previews, the
The previews menu transition features
The "Previews" menu featured a background of the green background with light green swirls from the credits and the logo animations appearing that were:
- the "Yo Gabba Gabba!" logo appearing with DJ Lance Rock greeting "Hello friends!"
- Dora and Boots swinging on a rope as the logo "Dora the Explorer" appeared with a clicking sound.
- Diego hang-gliding and yelling "Wheeeeee!" Like In The Intro As The "Go Diego Go!" logo Then Appeared
- Blue put her pawprint on the screen and the ”Blue’s Clues“ logo appeared.
- Wubbzy bounced in with the logo reading "Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!" as he spoke "Wow!"
- Moona appearing and making the logo "Blue's Room" appear.
- The “Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends” Logo appeared while Miss Spider was seen as she winked like in the start of the intro.
I then went back to the menu.
I then clicked the "Play All" on my DVD remote to watch all of the episodes.
The "Play All" sequence featured Pinky and Tyler getting ready to watch.
Mr. Guinea Pig then pulled out a remote control like he did in "The Great Big Fancy Word Game" from the website.
"OK!" Pinky accepted. "It's time to begin the made up story!"
Mr. Guinea Pig then pressed the button on his remote control and turned on the TV.
"Everybody watch!" Pinky reminded.
It then did a tomatoes transition like in the Cheese Sandwich Toy segment from every episode before showing a black screen.
Afterwards, The DVD played with all the episodes from 2005 to 2011.

The warning before the episode.
After all the episodes played, there was a warning which took place on the first frame of the intro with the "Dom Casual" font, except the background was in shades of red.
"WARNING: This episode of Pinky Dinky Doo which was originally made for Season 3 tried to be rejected, but it aired on Noggin because it was too late and it was also made by a former animator of "Cartoon Pizza", she goes by the name of Sarah Griff, she was fired for her gruesome ideas. It contains scenes and/or language that may not be suitable for children. Please watch at your own risk."
"Oh no!" I gasped. "Not that kind of lost episode"
The warning then faded out as the intro played from Sesaon 1 or 2 but the backgrounds were red and black, and the sky was somehow dark red (which was supposed to symbolize blood), but nobody didn't think anything of it and there were lots of changes made.
- The Eraser's Demonic Laughter was heard.
- All The Buildings were red tinted while they were dancing.
- The clouds has erase marks
Until it got to the end where the logo popped right out, it was completely red tinted with its parts almost erased, and the background was entirely black.

The title card.
After that weird intro, the episode started in Great Big City which somehow in the style of “Season 1”
"Wait the show went back into… FLASH ANIMATION?!" I gasped.
The title card faded into read, "Pinky the Eraser".
Like I said as the back cover, it was the same title from the DVD cover.
The camera then zoomed Into Pinky, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig eating breakfast, it was sort of bread, and some cups of water.
Just then, Daddy Dinky Doo walked in with the newspaper.
"Hmm…" Daddy Dinky Doo thought. "There was something strange outside today."
"Maybe my made up stories came to life?" Pinky asked, confused.
"I don't know…" Daddy Dinky Doo stated. "Maybe you should go check it out."

A screenshot of Pinky, Tyler & Mr. Guinea Pig seeing the made up stories in the real world
Pinky, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig ran outside and saw that all the made-up stories came to life, and the sky was red.
"Whoa!" Pinky exclaimed. "Now that's something you don’t see everyday… and why is the sky red?!"
"What are we gonna do about this?" Mr. Guinea Pig asked in confusion and anger.
Pinky and Tyler gasped after Mr. Guniea Pig asked that.
This was shocking to me, Mr. Guinea Pig never spoke in the real world before apart of the "Excuse me." line in the Outer Space Fluffy Buns episode.
"YOU CAN TALK?!" Tyler gasped.
"Hell yeah, I can talk!" Mr. Guinea Pig told Tyler.
"How is that even possible?!" Pinky asked in horror.
"Don't even ask..." Mr. Guinea Pig said to Pinky. "Just answer my question; What are we gonna do?!"
"THIS!" Pinky replied as she took out a bottle full of pink juice (I think)
"Pinky, how is pink juice gonna help the situation?" Tyler asked in confusion.
"It Might Be Easy" Pinky Said
"Okay, But I Got An Very Bad Feeling About This" Tyler Said
Pinky Then and drank it, Afterwards, She shattered the glass and transformed into a supervillain.
"WHAT THE?!" Tyler gasped. "Pinky, are you ok?!"
"Oh my goodness!" Mr. Guinea Pig whimpered.
Pinky was now Pinky the Eraser, she had a black dress, her eyes were glowing red, a gold belt (which has a symbol with a, eraser on it) she had blue pants and yellow boots.
"I'm getting rid of Great Big City!" Pinky spoke. "Afterwards, I'm getting rid of you all and my made up stories of course!"
"WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT TO DO, PINKY?!" Tyler questioned in horror.
"Why are you worried?" Pinky asked. "I'll get to you later!"
Pinky laughed like a maniac as she erased half of the city.

A screenshot of Daddy Dinky Doo confronting Pinky.
Just then, Daddy Dinky Doo went to her and confronted her.
"Pinky, You must stop erasing!" Daddy Dinky Doo angrily told Pinky.
"Stop erasing?" Pinky asked in a demonic voice. "NEVER!!"
Just then, Pinky pointed her eraser at Mommy and Daddy Dinky Doo, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig and got ready to erase them.
"Uh oh!" Tyler gasped. "This cannot be good!"
"Please don’t do this!" Mr. Guinea Pig whimpered.
Pinky used her big eraser and erased Mommy and Daddy Dinky Doo, Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig.

A screenshot of Pinky about to erase her family.
"This cannot be happening!" Mommy Dinky Doo gasped. "What's gotten into you Pinky?!"
Mommy Dinky Doo, Daddy Dinky Doo, Mr. Guinea Pig and Tyler screamed as they were being erased.
Pinky who was surprised on what has happened has decided to use her brand new powers for evil.
"I'm officially going to erase ALL of this city and the made up stories!" Pinky revealed.
It then cut to Daffinee Toilette, Nicholas Biscuit, Bobby Boom and Lane Puppytray who were at Smackdab Park.
"Did you guys hear about Pinky having gone an erasing spree?" Nicholas asked.
"An erasing spree?" Daffinee gasped. "Now that’s something you don’t see everyday."

A screenshot of Pinky after erasing Daffinee's mouth.
Just then, Pinky dropped down and erased Dafinee's mouth.
"THAT'S MY LINE, YA FOOL!" Pinky told Daffinee.
"That is not good!" Bobby stated. "She's found us!"
Pinky got out her eraser.
"Pinky?!" Lane screamed. "What happened to you?"
"Y'all are done for!" Pinky told her friends.
Pinky then erased her friends as they screamed in anguish, But the episode wasn't over yet.
It then cut to Great Big School. Just then, Pinky entered the building.
"Oh, hi Pinky!" Mrs. Mcganza greeted. "What are you doing here? School doesn't start yet!"
"That's not why I'm here!" Pinky told Mrs. Mcganza.
Pinky then erased the door using her eraser.
"Why did you erase the door?" Mrs. Mcganza questioned.
Pinky just evilly chuckled as Mrs. Mcganza said that.
"I thought as a teacher, You would know why I erased the door!" Pinky told her.
Pinky then took out her eraser and erased Ms. Mcganza and Principal Dipthdong as they screamed in anguish.
Pinky then exited the building via the roof and erased everything in it, Pinky, on the other hand, was laughing like a maniac as she had caused so much damage.
It then cut to The Horn and Antler Club, Mr. Raccoon and Mrs. Badger were getting ready for their weekly meeting.
Suddenly, Pinky appeared behind them.
"Hey Pinky! What are you doing here?" Mr. Raccoon questioned. "We're about to have our weekly meeting!"
"I'm here to erase everything in this club!" Pinky answered with a sinister tone.
"Wait… WHAT?! That's not very nice, Pinky!" Mrs. Badger muttered.
Pinky just laughed like crazy and all of a sudden, she began erasing Mr. Raccoon and Mrs. Badger, the both screamed as they were being erased.
"Weekly meeting has been cancelled." Pinky stated. "Now to erase the animals."
It then showed Mr. Elephant, Rhino & Bongo doing their lame jobs, sticking their heads through the wall.
Just then, Pinky appeared behind the animals, startling them.
"PINKY!" Rhino stuttered. "What are you even doing here?!"
"I am here to erase you, animals!" Pinky told the animals
"WHAT?!" Bongo gasped.
"No please!" Mr. Elephant pleaded. "Don't erase us! Stop!"
Pinky began erasing the animals and everything around her, The tables, chairs and even the decorations. The animals screamed as they were being erased.
But that episode was not over yet.
It then cut to Squeedorp Prime, just then Pinky teleported in front of Mrs. Zero, startling her.
"Pinky?!" Mrs. Zero gasped. "Is that you?"
"Of course it is me!" Pinky answered.
"What are you doing here?" Mrs. Zero asked.
"I came here to erase this place." Pinky stated.
"Uh oh…" Mrs. Zero whimpered.
Pinky began to erase everything, the party palace, the aliens, even Glorpy. Everybody screamed in anguish as they were being erased.
But the episode was not over yet.
It then cut to the Great Big City Opera House.
Lucanio the magnificent was singing, getting ready for his opera, just then Pinky appeared out of nowhere, startling him.
"Pinky?" Lucanio wondered.
"Yes it is me!" Pinky replied.
"Aren’t you gonna sing with me?" Lucanio asked, confused.
"Nope." Pinky stated as took out her eraser. "Try singing with this!"
Pinky erased Lucanio with her big eraser. Lucanio screamed as he was being erased.
But it wasn’t over yet.
It then cut to Pappy Pepperoni who was at the Yee-Haw Pizza stand.
Just then Pinky teleported, and erased everything at the restaurant.
"What in tarnation happened to my pizza stand?!" Pappy Pepperoni gasped.
"Hey there, Pappy." Pinky greeted, sinisterly.
"Howdy Pinky!" Pappy greeted. "Wanna chow down a pizza?"
"NO!" Pinky berated. "Try eating this!"
Pinky took out her eraser and erased Pappy. Pappy screamed as he was being erased.
But the episode was not over yet.
It then showed King Loopy at his castle.
Just then he heard a strange sound, a big one.
Loopy looked around to see where it was coming from.
"What was that?" Loopy asked.
Pinky appeared in front of him.
"Hello, King Loopy!" Pinky greeted.
"Pinky? What are you doing here?" Loopy asked.
"I'm here to erase your kingdom." Pinky stated.
"What? Why?" Loopy asked in confusion.
"Because I can!" Pinky responded with a wicked grin.
Pinky then used her eraser to erase everything in the kingdom, including King Loopy himself, who screamed as he was being erased.
But it was not over yet.
It then cut to Ooh Ooh La La Towers, just then Pinky teleported inside.
"Uh, Pinky?" Jinkins asked. "What have you done with Daffinee?"
"I erased her." Pinky answered with a sinister tone.
"What?!" Jinkins gasped.
"I'm erasing everything that gets in my way." Pinky stated.
Pinky then used her eraser to erase everything in the apartment, including Jinkins himself, who screamed as he was being erased.
But it was not over yet.
It then cut to the Muesum of Really Old Stuff, just Pinky teleported inside.
"Hey Pinky!" One the of the dinosaurs greeted. "What can we do for you?"
"I'm erasing everything in this museum." Pinky stated.
"What? Why?" The dinosaur asked in confusion.
"Because I can!" Pinky responded with a wicked grin.
Pinky then used her eraser to erase everything in the museum, including the dinosaurs themselves, who screamed as they were being erased.
After erasing the museum, Pinky said this in a loud demonic voice:
"This is all according to this plan I will erase everyone!"
It then showed a montage of Pinky erasing the others, Including some of the other made-up story characters.
It then cut to the fate of Great Big City. Literally everything was gone.
Just then, the blank space where Great Big City used to stand on exploded and caught on fire.
Many screams of the various people Pinky had erased played, but their screams were demonically toned.
A creepy distorted music box played "We're Going to the Story Box" in the background, which scared me right out of my pants more.
What the music box sounded like, unfiltered.

A screenshot of Pinky in front of the screen while Great big City is on fire.
Just then, Pinky teleported in front of the screen with an evil smile on her face.
"Hi there suckers!" Pinky greeted in a demonic tone. "I have erased everything and everyone in Great Big City, including my parents, teacher and friends, to anyone and I mean anybody who has seen this episode, you will be next! Say goodbye as I erase you, fools!"
Pinky then flew away laughing evilly.
The screen then faded to black, ending the episode

a part of the credits featuring Pinky who is still in her villian costume.
The credits played but they were off, the backgrounds were dark red and black instead of their usual colors, the text was black and in a scary font, Pinky remained in her villain costume holding her eraser, Tyler, Daddy Dinky Doo, Mommy Dinky Doo and Mr. Guinea Pig didn't show up due to already being erased, the music playing in the background was "Passage to Normal" from "Night of The Living Dead".
That episode was very unlike the other ones, an episode of Pinky Dinky Doo usually has a great big fancy word, a made-up story, and a few segments.

The Kids CBC Logo At The End
The logos came up, and they were also off.
The Kids CBS logo came up but the background were black and the text was white while the logo was erased.
the both Noggin and CBeebies Logos came up, but the logo strangly had an evil grin on his face while the city was on fire, As for the CBeebies Logo It was black and red
The Cartoon Pizza logo came up, but the pizza looked absolutely frightened and he was half eaten, blood was drooling out of his mouth, the earth behind him EXPLODED, while the galaxy background was in shades of red.
The Abrams Gentlle entertainment logo came up but the logo seemed it had erased marks all over it

The Cartoon Pizza logo in Pinky the Eraser.
The Keyframe Digital Productions logo came up but the background was in shades of maroon, the "K" looked like it was almost erased and the text was in "Danger Night" font.

The Sesame Workshop Logo
The Sesame Workshop logo came up, but the background was black, the house was broken, while the roof had cracks all over, the door fell down, blood spewed and exploded out of it and the thunderbolt and star were cracked and shattered and there was glitter all over the floor

Pinky's Jumpscare at the end of the episode.
I then went to grab my remote, but before I could... a JUMPSCARE APPEARED!!!
It was an edited picture of Pinky Dinky Doo from "Polka Dot Pox" where she looked in mirror and realized she got the Polka Dot Pox, but her eyes were red with black dots, and she was crying blood. The sounds of the Howie scream and the Godzilla roar were heard in the background.
After the logos, it took me back to the main menu.
I was so scared and terrified, that I took the disc out of my DVD player and put it in the trash can.
”What the heck did i just watch!?!” I said in horror.
I can’t believe my eyes.
So I messaged Sesame Workshop about the episode, 2 hours later they said this:
“We have some bad news. Back in 2011, Sarah Griff made that episode but it tried to be rejected because of being fired, but released anyway. It got replaced by "Tyler's Big Idea" back in 2008, but we could never create something like this for a kids show, but we did anyway because it was too late! Anyways… Thanks for letting us know. -Sesame Workshop"
How could they create something like this for a children's show? I can never watch Pinky Dinky Doo the same way again.
(The end.)