You guys remember this last encounter where the Vox shared all deleted scenes and the show got cancelled right? Well, here we go with a new encounter.
First there's a warning screen that came up and said:

The warning before Dog's Vengeance
"WARNING: This episode of WordWorld was made back in 2012 which tried getting rejected but it released anyway. And it was made by a former animator of The Learning Box before getting fired for that idea. Also, it was made to let you know that Dog's show got taken off the air back in October 2nd, 2022 thanks to PBS taking out the reruns. We might tell you that this episode might have blood, gore, death and violence. Please watch at your own risk.
The funding played, but instead a demonic voice did the funding.

The intro for the episode
The intro played but the sky was black, Nobody didn't mind it at all.